Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

One of the perks of living on the trail is that personal hygiene takes a back seat to things like finding food and water, where to camp, and pretty much everything else. Other than brushing the teeth before you start your daily hike, there is no primping on a normal day. So.... no more shaving!

In preparing for my adventure, I stopped shaving about a month ago. I never had a real beard, and it's kind of alarming. In the battle between salt and pepper, salt seems to be kicking pepper's ass! 

But as it turns out, I come from a long line of facial hair. Here are some of my favorites.

Lampson Keirns (1821-1885), my great great great grandfather, with the big bushy 'stache.

William Semer / Ziemer, my great great great grandfather, born 1843 in Berks Co., Pennsylvania. This is the look I'm going for!

Andrew Voorhies (1836-1896), my great great great grandfather, with the Vandyke style (he was Dutch, of course).
Richard Hezekiah Jeanette (1857-1945), my great great grandfather from Tennessee.
John Thomas Russell, Jr (1836-1922), my great great grandfather, from one of the earliest families of Key West, Florida.

Homer Chapman (1871-1941), my great great grandfather, always had the sweet 'stache working.

Jefferson Flack (1836-1913), my great great great grandfather, looks like how I'll feel in a few months.
As I walk, I will honor these great pioneers, and all my other ancestors, many of whom traveled great distances on foot and worked hard to settle new lands to make things better for future generations.  Without them, I would not be here to have the opportunity to embark on this great adventure!

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